I am building my first home. Lucky me because it is in the woods! It is an adventure I surely will not forget.

Me with Rory

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Last nights adventure, dig, dig, dig, all by hand. 12" wide and 30" deep. Plus we had to dig the two 12" wide and 12" deep ones (those are a snap). We were both tired when we started and tired at the end. We dug a fifth one over in the old goat pasture also, but that stands alone, it's not a set.
I did do some digging, too, but the power digs I have to attribute to Sammy.
Whoops, I guess you want to know the results...dirt! Yes, it was 99% dirt!!! A couple of pieces of shale but otherwise, good dirt.
The excavator will dig the 6' hole today or tomorrow morning. I pray it hits dirt all the way down! 

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