I am building my first home. Lucky me because it is in the woods! It is an adventure I surely will not forget.

Me with Rory

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Got it

I got the building permit yesterday. Yahoo!

I walked into the building department and my old classmate who works there, smiled and stood up and handed it to me and said she knew I would be excited after all I went through.

I had told a guy at work that when I got the permit I was going to take a day off from work and go treat myself and do something fun, I went to a funky soft serve and got a kiddie cone instead. lol

When I got home I called the excavator and let him know. Today, I am chillin'. I have to mow the lawn, but it is sooooo nice to relish a full day that I don't have to make a decision about or review the plans, or check window sizes, or proofread, or worry if I should change anything.

It is done, now, and a relief.

Of course I have to still pin point where the corners of the house will be. I want to fine-tune it with the excavator.  Once I do that, he can start digging.

What piece of paper have you waited for?

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